Sunday, September 5, 2010

How to decorate with accessories

Supplements help to define the style and are a way to add color and give life to the environment. Vases, candles, boxes, photo frames, antiques, souvenirs, pictures, etc.., Will be your allies when printing your personal touch in decorating your home.

We should pay special attention to the decoration of the surfaces of furniture, so that they are not naked, choosing carefully the details will post up. We can still lifes, grouped in pairs or create sets of the same color but of different sizes.
On the bedroom dresser collections are especially well glass mirrors and a candle.
In the console from the receiver , a lamp with a nice screen, a couple of boxes and a handy tray to keep things, are the essential elements.
And if you want to decorate with the latest trends, place your pictures resting on the shelves.

On the coffee table places four or five different pieces of different materials, sizes and heights, but without obstructing the vision of those seated. For example, the big books with nice covers, are always a hit.
The flowers, photo frames and candles are ideal place in the tables.
If you have a toilet in your bedroom , creates still lifes with bottles and glassware. Those who regularly collect and we do not know where to locate, find the ideal place in the female unit.

Drawers price rise much furniture, so do not hesitate to replace them with wicker baskets. Fulfil the role of storage in a very original, providing natural touch (very fashionable) that always fits.
Decorate with flowers and you'll notice an instant change. These should not ever miss a home, that they encourage the farthest corner of dull and boring with a touch of life. The cheapest way is to choose varieties of the season.

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